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The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education

ISSN : 1598-5016 (Print) / 2733-9785 (Online)

  • KCI(Korea Citation Index)
  • DOI(CrossRef)
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The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education

ISSN : 1598-5016 (Print) / 2733-9785 (Online)

Vol. 28, No. 1

The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education

  • Free Access Journal
  • real-time
The Korean Association of Computer Education
Publication period
1998 ~
Social science > Education
1598-5016 (Print)
2733-9785 (Online)
Listed on
KCI Accredited Journal
Online Submission

Aims and Scope

The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education(JKACE) redefines informatics and computing education in line with the digital transformation era, publishing theoretical and practical research papers on subject education, applied education, convergence education, and the foundational principles of computer science related to informatics and computing.

In particular, this journal emphasizes academic research and practical case studies that take into account the unique characteristics of Korea’s informatics and computing education, which has experienced rapid economic growth and digital transformation. The goal is to publish high-quality papers that attract the attention of both domestic and international stakeholders.

This journal publishes research papers that are of interest to a broad audience, including computer education researchers, educators, instructional designers, educational administrators, and policymakers.

Volume 28(1); January 2025